Add new work group

The employee's working schedule can be defined as per in the workgroup. One or more workgroups can be created within an office. The admin will assign the workgroup in the HR hub to the employee profiles based on the employee designated working schedule. 

Follow the steps below to add a new workgroup: 

Step 1 - Go to HR hub > Settings > Company settings > Select office
Step 2- Click on workgroup, click Add group
Step 3 - Enter workgroup name, define workgroup work schedule 

The below examples depicts the common set-up for a company's workgroup. 

(A) The 5 days work week workgroup 

  • Monday till Friday marked as a workday
  • Saturday as an off day (also referred to as a company given off day)
  • Sunday as a rest day

(B) The 5.5 days work week workgroup 

  • Monday till Friday marked as a workday
  • Saturday as workday (half)
  • Sunday as a rest day


(C) The 6 days work week workgroup 

This workgroup setting usually applies to retail or F&B business, where the employee will get their rest day during the weekday. 



The definition of the terms:

  • Workday (full): Full working day defined by the employer
  • Workday (half): Half of the full working day defined by the employer
  • Off day: For a company which practice 5 days work week, it is company given off day
  • Rest day: A mandatory rest day in a week.