How carry forward leave expiration works

As an admin, you have the option to set the expiration period upon setting up your company’s carry-forward leave policy. Once set, the employees’ carry-forward leave days will expire accordingly and automatically.

Here are the situations and examples to show how the carry-forward expiration works:

Situation 1:
Leaves are applied and taken before the expiry date 


  • Carry forward expiration date: Apr 1, 2024

  • Employee requests leave on Apr 5, for Mar 1 :point_right: This is NOT taken from ‘Carry forward’

  • Employee requests leave on Mar 1, for Apr 5 :point_right: This is NOT taken from ‘Carry forward’

  • Employee requests leave on Mar 31, for Mar 1 :point_right: This is taken from ‘Carry forward’

Additional notes: The platform checks if the leave is requested and if the period/dates of the leave taken are before its expiry date, when it calculates for carry-forward to expire. For example:

Leave cycle: Jan 1 2023 - Dec 31 2023
  • Employee requests for leaves on 3 - 7 Jun, 2024 (5 days) on 23 Dec 2023 
On the next leave cycle: Jan 1 2024 - Dec 31 2024
  • Carry forward from 2023: 7 days
  • Carry forward is available until 30 Jun 2024
  • The platform will expire 2 days (7 days - 5 days) of carry forward leave if no other leave applications have been made before 30 Jun 

Situation 2: Once the carried forward amount has expired, it is not restored even if the Leave manager or approver extends the length of the approved leave


  • Carry forward from 2023: 5 days
  • Carry forward is available until Mar 31, 2024
  • The employee applied for leave for February for 2 days
  • 3 days expired on Apr 1, 2024
  • Even if the Leave manager or approver extends February leave from 2 days to 3 days, the expired amount is still 3 days.

Situation 3: Once the carried forward amount has expired, the carry forward amount might increase after the Leave manager or approver deletes or shortens the approved leave


  • Carry forward from 2023: 5 days
  • Carry forward is available until Mar 31, 2024
  • The employee applied for leave for February for 2 days
  • 3 days expired on Apr 1, 2024
  • If the Leave manager or approver deletes the leave, the expired amount will be updated from 3 days to 5 days.


For leave taken before the carry-forward leaves expiration date, the system will auto-deduct the carried-forward leaves first and then the Annual Leaves.

Admin/Leave manager can see each individual employee’s carry forward amount and expiry schedule

As an admin/leave manager, you can also see the carried forward leave amount and the expiry schedule for each individual employee.