Leave fallback logic for Reports to/HOD/Approver

Before we proceed with the fallback logic explanation, let's take a look at the admin access in Swingvy. There are two types of admin accesses:

  • Admins: People who belong to the ‘Admin’ group under HR Hub > Settings > Permissions
  • Module Managers: People who have access to specific modules (Leave, Claims, Payroll)


An Admin is someone who holds full access in Swingvy (all modules).


Screenshot 2021-07-05 at 12.03.01 PM-1

Leave approver

There can be up to three levels of approvers - 'Reports to' person, Designated person, and/or Head of Department (HOD). However, there will be a fallback if the approver resigns from the company. Let's see what happens if either one of them resigns below. 


'Reports to' person resigns

If the 'Reports to' person resigns, this function will automatically be taken over by the earliest added Admin upon the termination date. This means that this Admin will assume the 'Reports to' role in Swingvy and all pending leave requests will be sent to him/her for approval.
 If john resigns_reports to
The Admin will then have to assign the new 'Reports to' person in order for the leave requests to be sent to the new approver.


There can be multiple Admins in a Swingvy account.

The 'earliest added Admin' refers to the Admin who joined the company's Swingvy account earliest. If this person resigns, then the subsequent Admin becomes the earliest Admin.



Admin A joined Swingvy on 1st February 2019.

Admin B joined Swingvy on 18th May 2019.

Admin C joined Swingvy on 20th May 2019.


Admin A is the earliest admin, but if he/she resigns, then the next 'earliest added Admin' would be Admin B.


Designated person resigns

If the Designated person resigns, the earliest added Admin will be the approver upon the designated person's termination date. All pending leave requests will be sent to the earliest added Admin for approval.
 if john resigns_designated



Head of Department resigns

If the Head of Department (HOD) resigns, the HOD role for that department will be left empty and will not be replaced with any Admin. If this HOD is set as a leave approver, all pending leave requests will be sent to the Upper Head of Department. In case the HOD does not have an Upper Head of Department, the pending leave requests will then be sent to the earliest added Leave Manager.
 hod_upper hod