Manage clock in and clock out reminders

Worry about late clock in or clock out? Worry no more! The system will auto-send you the clock in and clock out reminders to avoid a late clock in and clock out.

Reminders schedule as below:

  • 5 minutes before your working start time
  • 5 minutes after your working end time

5 minutes before the working start time

image (8)

5 minutes after the working end time

image (7)

The push notifications for clock in and clock out reminders are enabled by default. You can manage the push notifications for clock in and clock out reminders by enabling or disabling them according to your preferences.

Step 1 - Log in to Swingvy mobile app with your registered email and password

Step 2 - At the bottom right, click on "More" and go to "Push notifications"

Step 3 - Click on "Clock in reminders" or "Clock out reminders" to enable/disable the function



The system will refer to your leave status (All day / AM / PM) to determine whether to send the reminder and its timing.