Payroll Deduction is anything that is taken from an employee's pay, whether it be pre or post-tax, other than payroll taxes themselves.
We provide two options for creating the list of your payroll items - Deductions:
We provide two options for creating the list of your payroll items - Deductions:
1. Most common Deduction items (default)
Swingvy added the most common (frequently used) Deduction payroll items for you.

- Name: A unique name for the deduction payroll item
- Category: Click on the drop-down list for the below selection
- Allowance (normal monthly tax computation will be applied)
- Remuneration (bonus tax computation will be applied)
- Statutory: Statutory attribution
- EA form field: EA form output column
Create your own customized deduction items if necessary. To make further changes to a payroll item, scroll down to No 2 - Customised Deduction items to learn how.
However, these default Deduction items can be edited in the:
Updating the unit amount of Deduction items
Select employees for monthly recurrence
2. Customised Deduction items
Select this option if you need to set up your customised Deduction items:
a) Enter the new Deduction name
b) If the Deduction is unit base, select the checkbox and enter the per-unit amount
c) Select the statutory which will be subjected to this Deduction
b) If the Deduction is unit base, select the checkbox and enter the per-unit amount
c) Select the statutory which will be subjected to this Deduction
Learn more about Deductions items:
- Name: Enter a unique name for the new payroll item
- Calculate by unit – When you run payroll, you can calculate the amount by entering the ‘No. of unit’. (Formula: ‘Unit amount’ x 'No. of unit')
- Statutory: Tick on the statutory attribute for this new item
- EA form field: Select the EA form output column from the selection list
- Select employee(s) for monthly recurrence - Apply to all or selected employees