Payroll Deduction is anything that is taken from an employee's pay, whether it be pre or post-tax, other than payroll taxes themselves.
We provide two options for creating the list of your payroll items - Deductions:
We provide two options for creating the list of your payroll items - Deductions:
1. Most common Deduction items (default)
Swingvy adds the most common (frequently used) Deduction payroll items for you.

This standard Deduction item is created by default and you are not allowed to edit the below categories:
- Deduction name: A unique name for the deductions payroll item
- Statutory: Statutory attribution
- Wage types: Select either ordinary wage or additional wage
- IR8A field: The payroll wage that will be reflected in the IR8A
Create your own customized deduction items if necessary. To make further changes to a payroll item, scroll down to No 2 - Customised Deduction items to learn how.
However, these default Deduction items can be edited in the:
However, these default Deduction items can be edited in the:
Updating the unit amount of Deduction items
Select employees for monthly recurrence
2. Customized Deduction items
Select this option if you need to set up your customized Deduction items:
a) Enter the new Deduction name
b) If the Deduction is unit base, select the checkbox and enter the per-unit amount
c) Select the statutory which will be subjected to this Deduction
b) If the Deduction is unit base, select the checkbox and enter the per-unit amount
c) Select the statutory which will be subjected to this Deduction
Learn more about Payroll Deduction items:
- Name - Enter a unique name for the new payroll item
- Calculate by unit – When you run payroll, you can calculate the amount by entering the ‘No. of unit’. (Formula: ‘Unit amount’ x 'No. of unit')
- Statutory - tick on the statutory attribute for this new item
- IR8A Field
- Select employee(s) for monthly recurrence - Apply to all or selected employees