Type of payroll reports that can be downloaded in Swingvy Payroll

Swingvy provided 3 types of payroll reports, payroll report, variance report, and bank files. During the payroll or after the payroll is completed, you can download the following reports. 
Report Name Description
Payroll report The payroll report is a quick way to see the summary of each payroll you run on Swingvy. The payroll report can be downloaded during or after ad hoc, mid-month and month-end payroll. 
Variance report The variance report allows you to compare your current month's payroll information to the previous month's payroll information. 
Note that variance report can only be downloaded during or after the month-end payroll and it will include all information from the month's ad hoc, mid-month and month-end payroll. 
Bank files If you intend to pay employees in bulks by using online banking, you can do so by using Bank Files or Bank Payment Files (BIF) Swingvy provides. To make an online transaction, simply download the file from Swingvy and upload the file to the bank using online banking.