Set up group user permission

HR Hub > Settings > Permission

In this step, you're about to define the types of login groups and manage what they can see. In Swingvy, there are a few ways you can set for different types of visibility. The default views are 'Employee' and 'Admin'. You can set other views by modules (Leave, Claims, Payroll, and Benefits)

The admin can set each group's profile permission, event visibility and notifications, and module access.

Profile permission

Profile permission refers to the access and visibility to employee information stored in HR Hub of the platform.

Permission details: 

No permission (Admin Only) 

People in the permission group don’t have access to information in this tab. Only admins can view and edit.

View own information

People in the permission group can view their own information in this tab.

View and edit own information

People in the permission group can view and edit their own information in this tab.

View all employees' information

People in the permission group can view all employee’s information in this tab. They cannot edit their own information.

View and edit all employees' information

People in the permission group can view and edit all employees’ information in this tab.

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Calendar - Admins can configure if the user assigned to the group has visibility to events such as leaves and birthdays 


All leaves View all users leave information
All leaves within department View own and department leave information
Do not display others' leave View user's own leave information



All birthdays View all user's birthday information
All birthdays within department View own and department birthday information
Do not display other's birthday  View user's own birthday information


Notifications - Admins can configure options for users assigned to the group to receive leave and birthday notifications of the day


Module access : 

Module access settings are advanced permissions that the admin can assign to specific users. Their access will be similar to an employee's; however, they have additional access based on the module they've been granted access to. For example, if an HR Admin can only have access to onboard/offboard users and review claims information but does not have eligibility to review payroll information, the admin can add a new group and set module access to only Hire (add) and terminate employees within HR Hub and Claims. 

The default permission group

1. Employee

Users are usually account employees, and when new employees are onboarded, they are also automatically added to this group. These users cannot make changes to their accounts or other users because they do not have access to the sections listed above. As an admin, you can manage what they can see by configuring their permissions.

2. Admin

Admins are users with permission to make changes to users and their accounts. They can also access the following sections of the product that are not available to employee users. Admin users usually have all-view permission, and it cannot be re-configured. 

  • Account setting details
  • Billing details
  • Reports
  • Leave
  • Payroll 
  • Claims 
  • Benefits

Adding permission group based on module access

Admins can add new permission groups for users who only require permissions to specific modules.  

Step 1: HR Hub > Settings > Permissions > Click on "Add permission group" button
Step 2: Enter the title and description
Step 3: Click edit permission at the newly added group
Step 4: Set the profile permission, events visibility and notification, and module access  

See also: