Payroll items - Additions

Payroll Addition items mean additional income on top of the employee's gross pay salary.
Swingvy provides two options in creating the list of your payroll items - Additions.

1. Default Addition

Swingvy adds the most common (frequently used) Addition payroll items for you.
Screenshot 2025-02-13 at 5.15.36 PM  


These standard addition items are created by default, and some cannot be edited.

Create your own customised Additions items if necessary. To make further changes to a payroll itemscroll down to No 2 - Customised Additions items to learn how.

However, these default Addition items can be edited in two circumstances:

  • Updating the basic amount of additional items
  • Select employee for monthly recurrence 

2. Customised Addition items

Select this option only when you need to set up your customised Additions items.

Step 1 - Enter the new Addition name

Step 2 - If the Addition is unit base, select the checkbox and enter the per-unit amount

Step 3: If the addition is proratable for the new joiner/resignee, tick the box accordingly.

addition item 3

Step 3 - Select the statutory which will be subjected to this Addition

Step 4 - Choose employee

Step 5 - Finish this setup by clicking Save


The proration will only be calculated based on the proration setting that has been set in:

Payroll > Setting > Payroll Setting > Proration Setting


Below are the conditions when it is configurable and  how it is calculated:
The condition when it is configurable
  • It is only configurable only when ‘Apply pro-rata calculation for new joiners/resignees’ is ENABLED in  ‘Payroll > Setting > Payroll setting > Proration setting’  (If not enabled, the checkbox is not visible)
The info about the calculation formula
  • The calculation will be based on the ‘Pro-rata basis’ set in ‘Payroll > Setting > Payroll setting > Proration setting’. 

Learn more about Addition items:

  1. Addition name - Enter a unique name for the new payroll item
  2. Category – Click on the drop-down list for the below selection:

    1. Monthly remuneration (normal monthly tax computation will be applied) 

    2. Additional remuneration (bonus tax computation will be applied)

  3. Basic amount - The amount will be auto-generated every month for the selected employees. You can still edit the amount when running the payroll.

  4. Calculate by unit – When you run payroll, you can calculate the amount by entering the ‘No. of unit’. (Formula: ‘Unit amount’ x 'No. of unit')

  5. Statutory – Tick on the statutory attribute for this new item

  6. EA form field – Select the EA form output column from the selection list

  7. Select employee(s) for monthly recurrence - Apply to all or selected employees

In Malaysia payroll, certain payroll items come with a tax exemption limit based on regulatory guidelines. Currently, there are three default payroll items in Swingvy that include tax exemption limits. Learn more here.